
Forensic Medicine


Forensic Medicine is the study and application of Medical knowledge in the administration of Justice. It is also called Medical Jurisprudence and Legal Medicine. In modern medical practice, medico-legal cases involving death, violence against the human body and mind, etc. require a medical practitioner to produce evidence and appear as an expert witness before the court of law. Forensic Medicine is also concerned with the ethical duties of physicians and the rights of humans concerning medicine.

At the end of the course, the students shall be able to describe the medico-legal aspects and analyse findings in medico-legal cases .

The students shall be able to apply their medical knowledge to solve medico-legal problems related to injuries, unnatural deaths, sexual offenses, etc. for the cause of justice.

The students shall be able to distinguish between ethical and unethical conducts of the medical practitioners and practice medicine in the society following medical ethics and etiquette as prescribed by the National medical Commission.


In addition to the teaching of students mentioned above by way of lectures, demonstration, practical along with the periodic viva-voce and internal assessment examination, the department has the vision to constantly refine the Forensic acumen by way of conducting and attending seminars, conferences, CMEs, and engaging in research activities and paper publication at the college, state, national and international levels.