Facilities & Services
DEMONSTARTION HALLS: Two demonstration halls with AV aids, each with a capacity to accommodate 75 students are annexed with the department. They are well lit and ventilated aiding for the effective small group teaching sessions.
LIBRARY: An updated library with adequate books and journals made available for the students. Students can access the e books provisions too.
DISSECTION HALL: A well-spaced dissection hall where human cadavers will be dissected by the undergraduate and postgraduate students, other department faculties under the guidance of well-trained Anatomists. The hall is also groomed with models, charts and bone sets to facilitate the students in understanding the subject.
MUSEUM: An assorted collection of unique dissected specimens with labeling, fetuses in various developmental stages, embryological models, radiological aids, bone sets and skeletons make our library a good and vital place for Self Directed Learning.
HISTOLOGY LAB: Professionally prepared microscopic slide sets along with an advanced microscope are made available for each student, so that they learn individually and also as a team with an in charge faculty.
RESEARCH LAB: Students must be always motivated by research ideas and the department assures them with the possible research materials like the anthropometric instruments, Histotechnique unit (tissue processing and staining) and gross anatomy specimens, etc.