The subject encompasses wide range of sub branches like
Dermatology is the field of medicine dealing with the largest organ in our body, the skin.

Our department of DERMATOLOGY comprises a team of dedicated faculties and is also well equipped with adequate facilities such as

ONE demonstration hall with a capacity to accommodate 30 students are annexed with the department. They are well lit and ventilated aiding for the effective small group teaching sessions.
An updated library with adequate books are made available for the students.
Side lab with microscope available for basic bedside investigations.
Equipped with whole body phototherapy unit which is used for uva and uvb based therapy.
Well equipped for basic dermatosurgeries and nail surgeries. Also equipped with nd-yag laser and intense pulsed light, microdermabrader, iontophoresis machine, rfa machine.

Ranging from infections to connective tissue disorders and immunobullous disorders
Simple excisions, skin biopsy, scar revision, surgeries for acne scars(subcision, microneedling, punch excision, punch grafting, punch elevation), surgeries for vitiligo(punch grafting), microdermabrasion, laser and light therapy, cryotherapy, rfa removal (warts, skin tags),intre lesional steroid injection.
Diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infectionswith confidentiality.
Early diagnosis and treatment to prevent deformities and disability in patients of leprosy.
Identification and management including counselling of patients and family of children with skin disorders.
Management of photodermatoses. Administration of phototherapy.
Skin biopsy for histopathology and special stains. Direct immunoflourescence for patients with immunobullous disorders.